Posts Tagged ‘anxiety’

Are you comparing your ‘behind-the-scences’ to everyone else’s ‘highlight-reels’?

“I don’t feel jealous of other people enough…I should probably go on Facebook and compare how crap my life is to others”

“You know what? I’m so confident in who I am, I really need a reality check: better log in to social media and find out where I’m going wrong in life and failing at miserably.”

“I love comparing myself to others: it motivates me to be better than them. I’m going to make sure the world knows I have a bigger and nicer house, a well-earning occupation and a damn-attention-grabbing body”

Sound familiar?


So, why are you so addicted to this culture online then?

Surely we aren’t all this masochistic?

Are we?


Don’t get me wrong, communication via Facebook and/or other social media sites are great- it provides a platform for me to constantly be connected with friends and the happenings of the world; however have you ever noticed how everyone is always having such an awesome time?

Like, here I am, sitting here at the computer (it’s a gorgeously sunny day outside, a light breeze blows tantalizingly at my window- beckoning me to experience the world beyond my bedroom coupe) and I’m mindlessly scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed, when it hits me: Boy, am I really that much of a boring person?

The problem is you see, is that we are inundated with everyone’s so called ‘highlight reels’ on Facebook: each only posting images and comments that they are most proud or passionate about. Photos with 20 people tagged in them, all dolled up ad beautified for a night out on the town, footed by the caption “Just a casual Friday night”. Whilst I didn’t realise it at the time, I immediately felt isolated and unusual. A casual Friday night? Looking gorgeous at some exclusive club sipping multi-coloured liqueurs, waited on by well-dressed club staff was a casual Friday night?! For me, a casual Friday night is nothing better than lounging in my most comfortably outfit at home with some Thai food, a movie and my family….oh, and Facebook- have to keep up with the world after all! The point is, social media encourages us to create a separate online persona- one which is often ‘idealised’ and falsified. We create ‘highlight reels’ of our life in an attempt to compete with the rest of the world: this is what I’m doing; this is why it’s more important; I am a good person because I’m doing this; Look where I have been- I’m so cultured and well-travelled…the list goes on and on. We may deny it, but essentially social media is helping to propagate narcissistic ideology:   encouraging shameless self-promotion and creating a ‘stage’ upon which we are all performers, and it is up to our social media interactions and activity that determine our ‘performance’. Thus it is easy to see how this has manifested in youth’s as eating disorders, depression and anxiety. We are continuously comparing ourselves; the bulk of our lives to everyone’s glamorous ‘highlight reels’ and led to believe that we are somehow dysfunctional, less-than-par, inadequate. Beautiful, often photo-shopped images flood the adolescent newsfeed, girls are falling victims to their own sexual objectification. There is an unspoken competition between the female adolescent population to obtain ‘more likes’ and flattering comments on their photos of their ‘selfies’ or uploaded images. To the developing young mind then, it is no wonder we are seeing an increase in eating disorders. Girls and boys alike are being exposed to idealised, unrealistic and unattainable images of so-called ‘perfection’; teenagers no longer have to deal with the usual social pressures in school/ social hierarchies etc, but now have to also try and keep up with the demands placed on them by social media. The online culture thus supports the thinking that if you do not fit the ‘ideal’ or ‘photo-shopped perfect’ then you do not belong;-you are not desirable or attractive.


By only ever seeing everyone’s highlight reels, we become disillusioned with our own lives. Nothing is ever good enough- because someone always has it better; “the grass is always greener” Right? It’s a new American Dream; but this time played on a global, online scale. There is a constant psychological battle that takes place within the susceptible developing adolescent mind: a fight between the search for identity and the concept of self: and that of comparison with the online community as a barometer of ‘normality’. The problem is: the ‘normality’ they are comparing themselves to, is far from normal: its glorified, beautified and quite often- falsified. This continual comparison is not necessarily done consciously either; we do it without thinking, and is heightened in already insecure adolescents driving them to believe that their life, their body image, their personality and relationships are inadequate, sub-par and lacklustre. If for every achievement, or event you experienced you found out that there was someone else who was better, or made to believe that the majority of people are constantly vivacious, happy and active: you too would feel pretty dull. It is not necessarily dependent on how ‘strong willed’ or minded you are either: as long as you are on social media and interacting with others, it is inevitable (and human nature) that we will try and draw comparisons between our life and someone else’s. This comparison culture is creating a breeding ground for insecurity- especially in adolescents. It’s no wonder then, that depression rates are on the rise. It’s the American Dream all over again- happiness is only transient online, until you discover there is something better out there- others are better off, more happy and more ‘perfect’.

Thus, we are faced with a tyranny of worries when uploading pictures or posting comments on social media; particularly for adolescents who are seeking validation or approval.

Will my photo be liked? Am I pretty enough in this image? What if someone says something ‘funny’ about the picture? I hope no one tags me in that picture Sarah uploaded- I look hideous. Should I post that funny joke I heard this morning? Others might not find it as funny, maybe no one will comment back-will that mean I’m annoying and unpopular?

Still think social media and anxiety are not linked in the adolescent population?




In the instant we log in- BAM! A million and one reasons why you aren’t good enough! Think about how many times you may have felt guilty after seeing someone’s ‘Fitspiration” Instagram pictures, or Gym progress shots. We compare inevitably; because it’s what we are programmed to do. And it’s made worse because social media provides us with an addictive catalogue of people to compare ourselves to.  Now put yourselves in the shoes of an adolescent or young adult, looking for ways to validate themselves, and understanding who they are and how they fit into the world: how on Earth are they supposed to compete with the idealised onslaught of glory on social media?

Enter stage left: Depression, Anxiety, Eating Disorders- ahh heck; bring the whole load on stage!


Comparison creates this destructive cycle; whereby we assure ourselves that “at least I’m not like him/her” and at the same time wallow in misery because “we can never be as incredible and attractive/popular as him/her”. This sort of polarised, judgemental thinking establishes a breeding ground for insecurity, distrust, and superficiality in the developing adolescent character. When instead: we should encourage comparison only with who we once were, and who we are now. This promotes self-reflection, growth and psycho-emotional maturation; as opposed to self-loathing, perfectionism and discontent.

So something needs to be done for the current and upcoming generation of young people if we wish to avoid an even greater explosion of mental health problems than we are experiencing already now. The quick fix? Delay social media participation. The reality? Not a chance, Mum. We need to educate and equip youth with the tools necessary to deal with, cope and recognise the dangers and pressures of social media. Bullying and social pressure is not confined to the schoolyard anymore folks, there’s a whole world online dedicated to it, and its disguised as a benign communication platform. Encourage ‘healthy’ online habits: ‘add’ only your closest friends, surround yourself with positive people, remove those you find make you miserable (be it intentionally or indirectly), and limit your online involvement per day. Sometimes, dare I say, the day outside beckons actual face-to-face engagement, and perhaps we can hope to grow more as individuals if we try and increase personal interaction as opposed to damaging and destructive online comparison cycles of thinking.

Someone has a bigger, nicer house, a better job, a better wardrobe, a better body. They had a way better holiday than I did, I didn’t go to all the places they did, they looked like they had so much fun. Gosh, I wish I was as amazing as Jane Do and go volunteering in an exotic location; I did nothing but work in a humdrum job all uni-break. He has a nicer car, a hot girlfriend, and way more money than I do- he must be so happy.


“We struggle with insecurity because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” – Steven Furtick

What do you think? Is Social media creating a compare-focussed culture? Do the psychological detriments outweigh the social benefits?

Does an adolescent’s chance of depression/anxiety/eating disorders depend on their pre-existing personality and other risk factors – if so, what are the potential predisposing factors? Perfectionism? Insecurity? Isolation? 

    • Mental health is the number one health issue facing young Australians aged 12 to 25 and contributes to almost all the burden of disease in this age group. [1]
    • Around 75% of all severe mental illness starts before the age of 24. [2]
    • Over half of young people will have experienced a diagnosable psychiatric disorder by the age of 21. [2]
    • In Australia, young people in the 16-24 age group have the highest prevalence of symptoms of mental health problems and disorders ; with 26% experiencing mental health problems/ illness each year [3]
    • WA has an even higher prevalence of mental disorders than the national rate, with 31% of young people experiencing mental health problems annually. [2]
    • Suicide accounts for 17.8% of all deaths in the 15-19 year age group, and almost a quarter in the 20-24 year age group.
    • Only 23% of young people who experience mental health problems nationally actually access mental health services.
    • Suicide is responsible for the death of more young men in Western Australia than any other individual cause. [2]
    • Around 1/10 young Australians will experience an anxiety disorder in any given 12 month period, with at least one third of young people having had an episode of mental illness by the age of 25 years [3]
    • Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems [4] with approximately 1 million Australian adults and 100,000 young people living with depression each year [5] and anxiety disorders estimated to affect about one in every 10 young people aged 18-24 years [6].
    • On average, 1/5 (20%) people will experience depression in their lives; ¼ females and 1/6 males.[5]

 ….What’s going on?….

We often dismiss mental health as an innate flaw in the individual or attributed to some disturbance in their psyche or way of thinking. The stigma around mental health persists despite the numerous programs, promotion strategies and research into mental health problems/ mental illness. It is more comprehensively understood that mental and physical health are not mutually exclusive, but are rather intrinsically linked, and that mental illness is not a product of some internal flaw or personality trait, but rather a complex, multifactorial issue that results from environmental, socio-cultural, physiological, and genetic risk factors. Mental illness is like any other physical illness or injury- debilitating, disabling and not a result of choice. It is alarming to note that Mental illness is fast becoming a national and global epidemic, with Anxiety and Depression currently rated as having the second greatest burden of disease in Australia, second only to Coronary Heart Disease, and is predicted to reach number one spot by 2020 [7].

In particular, mental illness is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s youth. This is particularly concerning, as like physical disease, mental illness is especially detrimental to youth who are still developing socially, emotionally and physically and can severely impair their quality of life during the duration of the illness. The development of a mental health problem or disorder can seriously disrupt and impede social development, education, the establishment of familial and peer relationships, and the concept of self-identity. Furthermore, mental health problems in youth extend far wider than just the affected individual, with families and friends often also suffering as a result of the child or adolescent’s health problems.

So, why is it that mental illness is on an exponential rise in today’s youthful demographics? What has changed that has resulted in mental health problems becoming so much more of an issue in developed societies? Why are we, as young people, so fixated on appearance, body-image, self-worth, achieving continual validation and constant gratification more so than the generations before us?


The Internet.


More specially, the explosion of social media and networking. Our generation is wired. We are more connected than ever. In this rapidly progressing age, it becomes a competition to simply keep up with the advancements in technology, to establish ourselves from a young age in the all-important realm of cyberspace. This is how we communicate. Constantly logged in to the happenings of the world, the onslaught of status updates, the newly uploaded pictures, what Sue had for lunch, what James did on the weekend, what’s trending, what we should be wearing, saying, filming ourselves doing… We are never alone. And yet- we are more alone than ever.

From a young age we start to learn…the internet is a magical thing. Answers at your fingertips, the world’s information at your command, unlimited entertainment and a world of infinite alternative realities! It is not surprising that we have chosen to live our lives here in cyberspace.

Social media has created a medium in which, as individuals, we can remain constantly connected, wired into the world- ensuring that not only are our voices heard amongst the storm of competing cyber-identities, but also provides an avenue in which we can freely express opinion and offer commentary; connect with those in a way we may otherwise be isolated from; interact with individuals from different cultures or geographically unique places in the world we may otherwise be isolated from.  As much as we beg to differ, and deny the fact, it is inescapably obvious that social media has now become an integral component in our lives; our day-to-day functioning and interaction and ultimately, in the development of our own identities. If identity is shaped by our experiences, our values and belief systems, education, culture, and the society around us, then it is not surprising the impact and weight that social media has in shaping, contributing to and developing youth identity. But beneath the superficial smiles of ‘selfies’, the filtered-food-photos of Instagram, the saccharin status updates of Facebook and tweets of Twitter, lies an insidious psychology, that is contributing and manifesting as mental illness in today’s youth.

As a digital environment, it is often impossible to distinguish fact from fiction. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, all contribute to the culture of self-promotion, encouraging individuals to gain ‘likes’ as an indicator of popularity; often friend requests are based on appearance alone. We have created a society which bases its self-worth on the comments of strangers. And no matter who you are, or how ‘strong-minded’ you may be, social networking is a drug. And we are all addicted.

How many Likes did you get on that picture you uploaded last week? How many ‘Facebook Friends’ do you have? So do you know all your ‘friends’ personally? Really? All 1500 of them? Impressive.Why aren’t you a part of the #Fitfam movement yet? Are you working out? Better upload your gym progress photos, and your healthy meals too so everyone knows how amazing you’re doing. OMG did you see that Rachel is engaged- she tweeted it as Sam proposed! Wait, aren’t you subscribed? How do you even know what’s happening? Don’t upload that photo of me its hideous. Want to go out for lunch? We can take a selfie at the café so everyone knows we went out together. Did you see what Brandon and the gang got up to on Saturday? I can’t believe they posted that! Didn’t you go to Bec’s Friday night? It was posted on Facebook, everyone was there. Tag me in that picture! Don’t tag me in that picture! #fitspo #gorgeousmodel #thinspo #neknominate Aren’t you going to ‘check in’ on Facebook? Remember to tag my name #socute #omgbestseatsever #sohungry #whatsforlunch

Used appropriately, social media has the potential to provide opportunities for education, interaction and support on mental health issues.  As a public forum, it has the power to educate and raise awareness at a community level and to provide resources for those who may be struggling with mental health problems or those wishing to help others.  The anonymity of the internet allows users to more freely ask questions, divulge information and experience, protected behind a screen name or avatar. It has allowed individuals suffering from similar conditions to come together and form support groups, proffer assistance, advice and share experiences, where previously, these individuals may have felt isolated, alone, alienated and unheard. The nature of these social media websites particularly allows for the expression of emotion and thought; allowing those suffering from illness to connect, care, support and more effectively manage their ailments. Indeed, as Associate professor Jennifer Martin of RMIT University states: ““When used with compassion and sensitivity social media is a powerful tool with the potential to educate the community, and assist and support young people who may be contemplating or affected by suicide.” [8]  However,it is the subterfuge of anonymity and unaccountability of social media that also accounts for its downfall. We feel less hindered and restricted by normal social conventions in an internet setting, and are more likely to express anger, distaste, hate, and disgust towards others, be it due to a herd effect, whereby we too participate in the denigration and bullying of another in order to feel accepted by an ‘in crowd’, or simply because, as individuals we feel the need or satisfaction to do so. Jennifer Martin further remarks that “With (the) rapid advancements and vastness of the Internet, coupled with the limited censorship of teen usage, it is possible that negative influences have the power to overcome the positive for some. Of particular concern is the infiltration, or amalgamation, of pornography with suicide awareness, music, lifestyle and culture sites.”[8] Certainly, often obscured from view are the numerous negative sub-cultures that brew and fester from these social internet platforms, acting to increase levels of distress, anxiety, self-harm, eating disorders and depression in youthful users.

Certainly, as a user of social media, I cannot help but notice what I deem to be an ‘amplification’ effect: whereby, one comment (often a negative one, as these usually are elicited by more controversial and polarizing issues) leads to an amplified response, stemming from the negative ‘seed’; ultimately resulting in a ‘poisonous tree’ of criticizing and negative remarks, that may not even be related to the initial comment. As the original negative remark is commented on, or ‘shared’, more people express their opinion (often, it too will be negative in form to either agree with the original comment or disagree strongly) essentially ‘adding fuel to the fire’, culminating in an explosion of negative comments directed towards the original issue/topic/person. It is from this ‘negative amplification cycle’ that we see how ‘trolling’ has become a mainstream social media problem, recently highlighted by the suicide of News presenter Charlotte Dawson. Described as being the ‘anti-social act of causing interpersonal conflict and shock-value controversy online” [9], trolling no doubt, when directed towards an individual, or group of people, has contributed to the increased rates of self-harm, depression and anxiety in youthful social-media users.

There is no argument that we need to find ways of increasing public discussion about suicide, mental health and how to seek/provide help. We need to educate not only adolescents, families, friends and health services, but also governments and societies on a global level as to the increasing risks of mental health problems in youth due to bullying, and the various negative sub-cultures that persist and promote/support mental health problems like suicide and depression. Action needs to be taken in not only treatment of those currently suffering from mental health disorders, but also in ensuring the adequate delivery of support services to all corners of the planet and demographics of web-users. Furthermore, there needs to be adequate preventative strategies in place to not just educate youth today to be aware of the dangers social media possesses, but also to equip them with the skills necessary to be able to deal with negative societal pressures and comments, or at the very least provide support to those who are at highest risk of depression and related disorders, such as adolescents. Further still, why not promote positive interaction and the importance of social etiquette online? Discourage ‘trolling’ behaviours and focus on empowerment of voice through positive strategies.

Despite the lack of empirical evidence research, there is “a need to act immediately to develop principles to guide our policy, clinical and community decisions about how to manage online communications, not only for young people but also for the services, families and social networks that support them.  A core and fundamental consideration is how to do this safely, ethically and with the interests of young people and services in mind.” [10] To do so, we require the global implementation of a collaborative approach aimed at minimizing the risks and enhancing the benefits that social media may provide to young people in distress. Such an approach will require identification of both the advantages and disadvantages/risks of engagement with young people through social media and how the mental health sector, technology partners, website hosts, the media, schooling institutions, researchers and youth themselves can interact to promote a positive mental health online (and subsequently offline) environment and to further increase individual resilience towards negative online attacks or behaviours.

There is little advantage to establishing a physically ‘healthy’ society if the collective psyche is one of depression and anxiety. The psychosocial health of a community has massive implications on that community’s functioning, behaviour and growth. We cannot expect to progress as a society or develop and mature as individuals, if we cannot feel secure in our own identities. It is all too easy to partition ‘health’ as a physical thing, with mental illness viewed then as a flaw or fault in the individual themselves; a weakness of character that they may be swayed by negative comments, actions or behaviours on social media.  We must aim to remove ourselves from this damaging, polarized paradigm of thought, to one where ‘health’ is acknowledged as being a holistic amalgamation of physical, mental, spiritual and cultural aspects, and begin to accept that social networking/media is now an intrinsic part of Western culture and must thus be considered in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and education of young individuals.


[1] National Youth Mental Health Foundation. Position Paper – young people’s mental health. [e-book] Melbourne:; 2011. Available from:

[2] Government of Western Australia – Mental Health Commission Youth mental health. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 17 Mar 2014].

[3] Australian Bureau of Statistics. National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results, 2007 Cat. no. 4326.0. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2008.

[4] Australian Bureau of Statistics. Australian Social Trends, ABS Cat. No. 4102.0. Nov 2013 Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics.

[5] beyondblue. beyondblue Annual Report 06/07. The National Depression Initiative. 2007.

[6] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Young Australians: their health and wellbeing 2007. Cat. no. PHE 87. 2007, Canberra: AIHW.

[7] Murray C, López A. The global burden of disease: a comprehensive assessment of mortality and disability from diseases, injuries, and risk factors in 1990 and projected to 2020. [e-book] Published by the Harvard School of Public Health on behalf of the World Health Organization and the World Bank, 1996.; 1996. Available from:

[8] Martin J. Suicide and social media: Youth mental health. Mental Health Blog: Australian and New Zealand Mental health Association, Weblog. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 17 Mar 2014].

[9] Gil P. What is Trolling. Internet for beginners, Weblog. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 17 Mar 2014].

[10] Hughes M. Social media, suicide prevention and young people: Time for collaborative action. The Crikey Health Blog, Weblog. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 17 Mar 2014].